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What will you learn today?

Getting started with RHPAM Learn DMN Event-driven processes Learn the tools RHPAM on OpenShift

About the guides:

Getting Started with RHPAM: Order Management
A great guide for users who are trying RHPAM for the first time. Recommended getting started guide.
Learn DMN
In this hands-on workshop, users can learn about the DMN specification, author decisions, and deploy it using Red Hat Decision Manager with basic, intermediate and advanced exercises.
Event-driven processes
This hands-on workshop allows the user to validate the experience of creating loan approval workflow with decision automation. The user will also have an introduction to Fuse, develop an endpoint and consume it using the workflow.
Learn the tools
In this hands-on workshop, create new decision services using Kogito tooling and the VSCode extension , create unit tests and deploy them on KIE Server.
Learn how to deploy RHPAM on OpenShift using Operators
Try out the business automation operator and learn how to manage your KIE Apps on OpenShift.

Check the Learn more section for more guides and references about business automation with the projects under the KIE umbrella.

Last update: 2022-08-19